PAC Code of Conduct


As a Pactimo Ambassador Club member, I agree to the following:

I commit to wearing the PAC kit or Pactimo clothing when possible on my rides, and/or any other kit Pactimo deems appropriate when I am participating in a Pactimo sponsored ride or event.

I commit to follow the laws of the road when riding, as often as I am able.

I commit to taking the time, whenever possible, to help distressed riders or those in need of assistance.

I commit to regularly sharing my stories, adventures, and rides with Pactimo, my riding buddies, friends, and family on social media, in blogs, through email, and while hanging at the coffee shop or local brewery.

I give Pactimo permission to reuse and repost any blog, social media (X, Facebook, Instagram, etc.), photo or quote I post in which I am wearing or referencing Pactimo.

I commit to spreading the word about Pactimo and having fun while doing so!

I also understand:

If I unsubscribe from the Pactimo email list any time during my membership tenure that I may forfeit my standing and privileges as a PAC member.

If I conduct myself in a rude or disruptive way at events, on social media, or to any Pactimo staff and PAC member and do not abide by the above stated code, I may forfeit my standing and privileges as a PAC member.

Pactimo reserves the right to add and remove members to the club at our discretion for any reason, stated or unstated.